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Fitness model - Story teller

Marble Surface
Marble Surface

About me 

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Edward Pineda Hidalgo

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Many of you know me as Edwardpihi but my full name is Edward Pineda Hidalgo and I was born in Cravo Norte which is one of the smallest towns in Colombia. It was hit by the violence for many years but despite all the difficulties after finishing my secondary school I moved to Bogotá where I lived and worked for a few years.


To fulfill myself as a person and be able to make my dreams come true, I made the decision to undertake a new adventure which would take me to Amsterdam and It was there where I started my career as a model. I have had the opportunity to visit different parts of the world, in addition to learning about different cultures which has tought me for life and to grow as a person.


My biggest passions in life are fashion, traveling, sharing with those I love and living a healthy lifestyle.


I'm currently a student in the last semester of social communication and journalism at Politecnico Grancolombiano which I completed virtually online to further my education and continue learning and sharing experiences with all of you.

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